Where is mine at? Lately, mine has disappeared! So if you happen to come accross it can you please tell it to come home and help me out!! I think part of my lack of motivation to do anything crafty is because I have worked most of december at the Post Office and its the busiest time of year. Plus, my bedroom is where my craft table is and its COLD in there this time of year. But I know thats no excuse. I always have a hard time this year with anything and motivation to get my crafting done is one of them. But my other motivation has gone out the window! Today was the first day in a few weeks I have had to just relax, and I did that. Knowing I SHOULD be working on class samples, I just couldn't do it. If I wasn't snuggling with the dogs, or doing the household chores. Or even over visiting my boss and getting our mail, I was crying, just sitting there crying for no reason. Knowing deep down that I was just having a blah kind of day and also knowing I have a Paper Bag album that I NEED to get done asap for Paper Pals. My emails have piled up even, I have my graphic stuff and haven't touched it in a few weeks. So everyone, I promise I will get my stuff completed, just give me a day or two to find myself again!! And if anyone has any ideas on how to get me motivated or wants to help, please feel free!! What are some of your ways you get motivated??
My New Years was good, I stayed with Denise and we had planned to watch some movies then go out at about 11:00pm to see who was out and about.... But I think I am getting old! I was asleep by that time and we were both in our pj's! So we didn't go anywhere!!

Hope all of your Days are filled with Love and Motivation!!!
Love the pictures, Janie...how fun for you to have a new camera. It looks wonderful!!! I really need a new one, they do make such a difference with your pictures. And, we all have days when motivation has "up and gone"...but, it will come back, promise!! :0)
Motivation is a hard thing to keep during winter. The tendency is to hibernate. At least that's the case with me. You'll have to stop in at the moscow store and see the wall of samples and realize how much prettier that wall will be with your samples on it...:)
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