The Stockings were hung and filled with lots of goodies, The presents stacked not only under the tree but all over! Food deliciously prepared and lots and lots of family and friends to enjoy it all. There was 26 of us in my grandmothers house Christmas Eve, and I enjoyed almost all of it! Wishing I still had a few family members and friends alive to share it with me. But it was so good to see everyone and even see alot of them smile and enjoy themselves! We began at 5pm with dinner of Homemade chicken and noodles and Oyster Soup. With plenty of fresh veggies, crackers and meat trays and sweets galore!!! Then we Started a new tradition this year, Granny usually opens gifts last, so before we all headed off to Church which was at 7pm, she got to open her gifts (but that didn't mean she could miss church!!). In our family its always been that if you want to open you presents you had to go to church. Then off to church we went. After church we came back to Granny's and opened gifts, starting with the youngest member who is only 1 year old! And ending with the oldest who is.... almost in their 70's, remember Granny went before Church so thats not counting her!!! After everyone was done, more goodies were brought out and shared by all. Even the Cheese ball which is only a christmas thing!! Then Stockings were handed out by the kids and opened. Slowly after that we all dissappeared to our own homes. We got home here at about 11 pm. I have to tell you about a gift I recieved, It was given to me by my Aunt, who if any one knows my story, knows the situation with this aunt. But she gave this present and said that there is a specific reason she did. It was the 25th anniversary Carebear. It was Tender Heart Bear. Here is a description of it and a Picture of it as well!

Ok, now the reason! She said that when she saw it she had to give it to me because I have to biggest heart of anyone she knows. Made us both cry!! It means so much to me, this is probably to most meaningful gift I got this year!!
Christmas Day was a different one for my family here, my sister had to work and now that my brother has moved out, he said he would show up sometime, so when my parents and I got up in the am, we opened out gifts, just the 3 of us, when usually its all 5, it was a little sad but times have to change.... Right??? Then off to Granny's we went again for Brunch. We had a wonderful Brunch, but I didn't eat much cause I knew Denise, Clarissa and I were going to Thai food! So then Denise picked me up and off we went to Thai Food and then to the movie P.S. I love you!

Great Movie, a little sad but really hits home for me and very good for me to see! Then home I came and back to the normal life and work today!!
Love you all,
Thank you for coming to dinner and the movie with us. Our second-annual dinner and movie date was great, and so will next year! That Care Bear is amazing. I can't wait to see it in person. I didn't even know it existed. Merry Christmas!
Thanks for being so descriptive about your celebration. I felt like I was right there sharing your family's joyful day. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2008!
Wow Janie, What a family you have! You are so blessed. Happy New Year!
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