Sunday, July 6, 2008

Am I???

I have to ask, Am I a really easy person to Mess with? Am I hard to get along with. Last time i checked I thought I got along with everyone and was nice to anyone I come in contact with. But maybe I am wrong?? To me hate and dislike are very strong words that I don't use and don't take lightly. I rarely say I hate or dislike someone, if so you must of done some bad to me or someone close to me. Please tell me that you don't like me if you don't. And Please don't be nice to me when you think you need to be or when someone you are trying to impress is around or is friends with me. I am a nice enough person that when you tell me you don't like me I will walk away and in time I will be ok. I feel recently proved to me that they want me to believe in my mind that I am liked by them and their friend. I try my hardest with everyone I meet to be the truest friend I can be. Then BAM, it hits me that mabe this person really doesn't like me and is trying to get someone else to think they do. I have recently become upset and very hurt over this among other things in everyday life. I am sorry to be writing this but for me its the way I can express my feelings truly. Please if you feel I am a threat to you or I have done something wrong or something you haven't liked, please tell me and don't sugar coat it, In my own ways I am strong and can deal with it in time. Or if you plain just don't like me... Tell me. I will be upset and hurt at first but in time I will be ok. I am trying to become a Stronger Woman!!!


Anonymous said...

Who is this person who is messing with you? I'll mess up their life. Let me at 'em! haha. You know that I'm going through the same thing (and you know who with!) and it baffles my mind too. Who wouldn't want more friends?! Why would anyone feel threatened by anyone else? It just does not make sense to me. And I'm with you. If there is something you don't like about me, then just tell me. I can handle it. We can't all like everyone. It's just a fact of life that there will be people who don't like us. But why they have to be fake or secretive, that's what annoys me. Well forget them. They are haters and we do NOT need haters in our lives! POO ON THEM.

BTW when are we all doing another girls shopping trip to Spokane?!

Karen Tews Lien said...

I can relate!