Yes, I am still alive! Work has been great, I took on yet another job there. I am now a CNA, Fill in Receptionist and also The Senior Housing Manager Assistant. So I have a little bit more responsiblity. But its fun! Today is my Granny's 4th hip surgery in less than a year. So mom and I are getting ready to head to Spokane here in a little bit.
Monday Terri and I started Water Aerobics through Gritman. Its at the old Latah Health Care Center in Moscow. We LOVE it, I pay for it the next morning but then I know I am working my muscles!!! I always thought that it was for the older people but I guess I have to fess up and realize I am getting older and there are people younger than I am going to it!
On a Creative note, I haven't done much in my craft studio. But I have been taking more classes at Paper Pals. Its so much fun being the student!! :) hehehe.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and hope you can stay cool out there!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Well Hello There!!
Posted by Janie at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
WOW! I need to update this!
As I was looking at some blogs, I thought well I better look and mine, and boy was I in shock when I realized I hadn't updated it since febuary!! Well for those who don't know, I did pass my CNA and now have the card to prove it!!! I spend most of my time working and then some weekends I have been going up to Athol. Enjoying every minute of that, can't wait till summer and then go up and go fishing!! Well I will hopefully keep this updated more often!!! Can't promise it though!!!
More Next Time....
Posted by Janie at 9:29 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pray for me!!!
Please Say A Prayer!
Hello to all of you, I am having second doubts about my CNA State Final test on wednesday.I don't know if I can do it!! Please say a prayer for me as I don't feel prepared at all!!I have my test in Post Falls at 1pm, and I have been upset all day about it thinking I should just give up now!!!!
Posted by Janie at 4:02 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I've Been Tagged!!
i was tagged by Tina V.!!! Photo Tagging, new - FUN tag is called. "Photo" Tagging!
The RULES are to go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.Tag 6 other people that you know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them
This is a painting done by Diane Duda and I have discovered she is my fav artist at the moment!!!! I went through and saved some paintings she has done to see which one I like best to purchase!!! Go check her out, She does great work I think!!!
I am tagging... Denise, Cathy, Terri, Judy, Jean, and Angela L. :)
It will be fun to see what you come up with gals!!!
Posted by Janie at 9:02 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I am Alive!!!!
Hello to all my fellow Bloggers and friends, I wanted to blog so you didn't think I was dead or ran away.... Not getting rid of me that easy. hahahahaha!!!
Ok, since last blog, my life has been busy!! I started my CNA class at Good Sams on December 12th so been busy going to that. Along with working normal shifts at Good Sam and then the Post Office as well. But after Febuary 1st, I am no longer working at the Post Office. I can pick up more hours at Good Sams and eventually get benefits I hope!! Which in this time of my life I need most of all.... I am turning 30 this year after all. hahaha.
Granny is doing well, Shes been home and only gone out of the house to go to my cousin Derek's wedding on December 27th, 2008. We all had Christmas at her house and had a blast. All about 30 of us. But she leaves friday Jan 16th to go up to the nursing home in Spokane till her surgery on the 29th and then will also have to stay up there a few weeks after that. But she will be better and have a new hip as well!!! Yeah!!!!
Alright, I will have christmas and wedding photos up soon I promise!!!!!
Miss you all!!!!
Posted by Janie at 8:12 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
She's Home!!!
Posted by Janie at 7:15 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fun Weekend!

Posted by Janie at 8:03 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I am the type of person that trys to help people before caring or helping myself. What I say and do for people don't intend to hurt or make others feel worse if they are feeling bad. I have been though alot in my life and many things I say every day to get me through life. One of them is "This too shall Pass" To me being a christian and going through tough times, I take this quote to heart. It's something my grandmother has said to me in the almost 30 years of my life. Some people I know go though alot worse that I have and will ever go through, but my intentions in life are to help others and me saying the things I do, thats what I am trying to do. Not to harm them or make them feel worse about the situation. I have been told I am a good friend and want to be for all my friends. I don't want to be a bad friend, but to help in the way some people want I need to know how I can help. So if I ever say something wrong or out of line, I am sorry. My heart and help is really and truly there. At this time, everyone is going through lots of different problems but the only way to get through is to help each other in the best way we know how. If its something that we do or say, its the way we feel we are helping each other out. I love everyone in my life and they are forever in my heart now and forever. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wonder how my friends and family are doing in there life and how is it possible to make their life better, while mine may be going down hill, I know others in my life are doing well. Thats how I have always been and always will be in my life.
To update everyone on my grandmother.... Well things didn't go as expected. She went in for surgery on thursday October 9th. And when the doctor came out, we already knew part of the bad news. They opened her hip up and it was full of infection. So what they ended up doing is taking the whole hip out and cleaning everything out and putting 16 antibiotic beads and a rod of Antibiotic down her femer bone. So right now she does not have a left hip at all and no control over her whole left leg. So this now reqires 6 weeks of IV antibiotic every eight hours. So my grandmother is up in Spokane at Royal Park Care Center where my Aunt Starla is a DNS at this nursing home. So she will be there for 6 weeks and is going through some really rough Therapy and when I saw her yesterday she was tired and I could tell it in her eyes. She was even too tired to get her hair done yesterday. She will then have a new hip put in her left side in 3 to 4 months from now. So I thought I would update you all.
Posted by Janie at 8:28 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hello to All....
Hello to all, sorry for not writing for a bit. I started another new job! I am now working at Good Samaritain Village in Moscow in the Assisted Living department. I am mostly working the night shift. But lately have been training on all shifts so I can fill in if needed on those as well. I am enjoying it so far. I am sorry if I have been lacking on the being a friend and communicating with you all thing. My internal clock is on overload!! I am also still working for the Post Office as well. And teaching classes at Paper Pals as well.
Granny is going to be having a hip replacement on October 9th, 2008 in Spokane, WA. So we are preparing for that. She is still at the nursing home (Good Sam's) here in moscow. She has a brace on that goes around her waist and down her leg to keep that hip in place. So please say a extra prayer for her if you have an extra one to spare!
I sure hope everyone had a good summer and if I have not been the "friend" I was or need to be please be paitent with me. I am hoping that soon I will be able to go up to Athol to visit Ben's family up there. I really need to badly!! If you guys are reading this let me know when its a good time for you! Love you all!!!
Posted by Janie at 4:41 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
A little Update!
Here is a collage of photos that I took on Denise and I's way back to Pullman from Lewiston on Sunday. Great shots I think!!!

Posted by Janie at 6:07 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Forever Paper Flowers Class!!

Posted by Janie at 10:29 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
So I come home after working monday and part of tuesday at Paper Pals. And I haven't stayed a night here at home for about 2 weeks! Well anyway, I come home and for some reason, I don't know why. But have this burst of cleaning energy!! I have been cleaning my bedroom/stamp area most of the day. And I am not done yet!!! It should be (I hope) all done by the beginning of next week. I want to be able to sit at my studio table and actally work on some projects I have in my head!! And class stuff. I just don't get inspired to do it when I look and things are piled on my table! Thats what I get for just putting stuff on the table for now untill I can get to it later! It just keeps piling up. So I am thinking of investing in some more storage drawers for paper and things. And my goal is to be able to have my cricut sitting out so I can use it when ever I need or want to!!! Got it get some use out of it right?? If anyone has any storage ideas for things PLEASE let me know!! My biggest thing right now is punches, ribbon, paper and of course everything else!!! hahaha.
I am however finding a few things I have been looking for!!!!!!!!
Posted by Janie at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Good and Bad Week...
Hello to all, A little update on my grandmother. We were all set to go home last monday when the doctor came in the first time. He still hadn't heard back from the Orthopedic yet so we sat and waited a bit more at the Hospital. Then he came back in about 10 minutes and he had talked to the other doctor. And my grandmother got bad news. She would have to be in a wheelchair or in bed and not move her left hip for 6 WEEKS! So we sat and discussed it and due to all the restrictions they wanted her to do, we felt it would be better for her to stay at a nursing home for the 6 weeks. So we wanted to wait till Good Sam's had an opening but we waited as long as we could. So on thursday of last week, we moved her to Aspen (which she nor I were happy about!) And today she is being moved to Good Sams for the remander of her stay. Terri works there so she can see her and I will be in and out all the time visiting her. I stayed with Terri all of last week and came home for a night or two yesterday. Her landlord asked Terri if I was moving in and she said it wouldn't be much more if I did. Sooo... After discussing it with Terri and my parents. I am going to divide the time up and pay the extra and stay over there part of the week. Since I have been working at paper pals quite a bit lately it would just help out with gas and so on. So hopefully it will all work out with Terri and I. I won't be there as often as she will but just a few nights a week. Or if she says Janie go home to mom and dads!! So for a few weeks at least I will have 2 homes! :) hahaha
Today marks 3 years ago that I lost Ben. But this year it seems a bit different for me. I was VERY emotional and had a few breakdowns last week. I told Ben in my prayers shortly after he passed away that when you think I am ready to move on, please show me a sign and I will know. Well.... I met someone, we are just talking (well when he will call me!). He has my number and I think its so cute, he goes to call me and chickens out and gets nervous to call!! But we sat for 3 hours last week at Terris and there wasn't a moment of silence. So maybe this week I WILL hear from him or see him. He's a cutie too!! So Terri.... Get on that!! :) I went over to get my families mail today and the minute I walked in my Boss asked me how many years has it been since Ben died. BEFORE I said a word. I said today marks 3 years why? And she said, well your going to freak out when I tell you, And she said well, when I came to work this morning there was a dragonfly sitting the railing by the back door here. So he is up to his tricks again. So when you see a dragonfly smile, I know I do!!!!!!
Love you Ben, May you rest in peace my Angel now and forever.
Hugs to all,
Posted by Janie at 12:22 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Please say a Prayer
Please say a prayer if you do, for my grandmother. I was staying with my sister last night and we got a call at about midnight that she had been taken to the Emergency room, so we loaded up in PJ's and all and headed over to the Hospital. We finally found out at about 2am that she dislocated her left hip and would have to be put under and the doctor on call would put it back in. So Terri and I went home for a bit of Rest and were back up and at the Hospital at 7am. We waited till about 11am till the doctor came in and said they are calling in a Orthopedic to look at it and see what they want to do. She has had 2 masses on her thigh for a bit but they think that it was holding her hip in, and in those masses is fluid from her hip joint along with debree from her hip. She isn't having too much pain right now just resting alot. I spent untill about 7pm tonight and will go back in the a.m. I am staying with Terri again tonight. So please if you have an extra prayer please say it for her as we go through this.
Posted by Janie at 10:07 PM 4 comments
Am I???
I have to ask, Am I a really easy person to Mess with? Am I hard to get along with. Last time i checked I thought I got along with everyone and was nice to anyone I come in contact with. But maybe I am wrong?? To me hate and dislike are very strong words that I don't use and don't take lightly. I rarely say I hate or dislike someone, if so you must of done some bad to me or someone close to me. Please tell me that you don't like me if you don't. And Please don't be nice to me when you think you need to be or when someone you are trying to impress is around or is friends with me. I am a nice enough person that when you tell me you don't like me I will walk away and in time I will be ok. I feel recently proved to me that they want me to believe in my mind that I am liked by them and their friend. I try my hardest with everyone I meet to be the truest friend I can be. Then BAM, it hits me that mabe this person really doesn't like me and is trying to get someone else to think they do. I have recently become upset and very hurt over this among other things in everyday life. I am sorry to be writing this but for me its the way I can express my feelings truly. Please if you feel I am a threat to you or I have done something wrong or something you haven't liked, please tell me and don't sugar coat it, In my own ways I am strong and can deal with it in time. Or if you plain just don't like me... Tell me. I will be upset and hurt at first but in time I will be ok. I am trying to become a Stronger Woman!!!
Posted by Janie at 10:06 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Posted by Janie at 10:19 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
It's all Mine!!

Posted by Janie at 8:21 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Good News!
Alright.... So finally I had some fantastic news!!! As many of you know I have been taking some PSP (Paint Shop Pro) Classes on making graphics and so on. Well I even dabbled in a bit of digital scrapbooking while doing this. Soooo.... Out of the blue today I get this email today from a Moderator in a Yahoo group I am in. They asked me to be a Moderator and take on some students. I am excited about this!! So I now have my own "students". What they will do is I will send them a lesson they will do the lesson and send it in to me to approve, then on to the next. I will be there for questions or for any help they need!! Just when I was wondering when will I get to use my graphic making knowledge. Now I get to!!!
Sooo.... Life for me lately has been busy. Potlatch had their Jr. Miss on April 26th and so that has calmed down in my life for a bit now. I am working a few more hours at Paper Pals the month of May. And a few hours at the Post Office as well!!! Tonight I attended a Class you could call it on Ebay and how the Post Office works with it. I have bought and sold on ebay but it was good to get a refresher course on it and learn a few more things!!
If you are reading this Mom 2, I won't be able to come up and see you guys this month as I am working at Paper Pals on Sundays. Can we make a date in June for me to come see you????? Love and Miss you both!! Give Maddie loves as well.
Also, my Godson Galileo is turning 2 on saturday. Where does the time go. And if anyone has any ideas on what to get a 2 year old please send them my way!!
Thanks everyone for all your support during my icky moods lately. I hope that they get better, and if I have done any one wrong or upset anyone please talk to me about it. I am so sorry.
Love you all,
Posted by Janie at 11:39 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Sweetie!
Again, Happy Birthday Sweetie, forever will you be in my heart. I love you and always will!
Posted by Janie at 9:43 PM 4 comments
Ranting.... And an Update!
I swear sometimes I wonder why I try! I am the type of person who will help anyone I can, in any possible way I can. Why is it when I can't help or am unable to figure out how to help someone. They decide to treat me like crap??? Am I that bad of a person??? Really am I? This week has been full! Next week is our Jr. Miss program here in Potlatch and of course for being on the committee is busy but I am also a Beck N' Call mom. This gives me a chance to play the "mom" role a little bit since I don't have kids of my own. I have worked every day this week at the Post Office since Tuesday due to come to find out my boss discovered this morning she has Shingles. So the doctor has housebound her till at least next tuesday. On a good note I have my techniques class on Sunday and have one more person that last month and everyone who signed up last month is doing it again!! So that is a little hope for me right? Next week will even be more stressfull for me, as with Jr. Miss on saturday, that means practice every night, plus dress rehersal on thursday and friday, the the show on Saturday!
I have now lost at total of 15.2 pounds with weight watchers. So that gives me a little happiness. I got back on monday night from house sitting for two weeks. And I am home for a bit then do it again for the same people starting May 2nd, for another 2 weeks. They have a really nice home and nice animals as well. (Only 2 horses, 1 dog, and 5 cats!)
This time of year is kind of a depressing, and sad time for me. But I will be posting about that in my next blog as I am going to go a bit more into it.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, and have a blessed weekend!
Posted by Janie at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Reporting in!
Thought I would report in after this weeks weigh in I am now down a total of 13 pounds!!!!! And feeling much better already!
Posted by Janie at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Stamping Bella's!!
Posted by Janie at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Long Time No Blog!
Hello Everyone, I know I haven't update in quite awhile. So I thought I would take time now and do that. So here it goes....
Weight Watchers is going O.K. was up 1.8 pounds this last week. Hopefully when I go on Monday I will be back down again! I will keep you posted though for sure... I hope! :)
Work is busy, I am working every day for a couple weeks as my boss is in Potlatch working in the mornings. So no lounging around for me! And plus now my dad is on "spring break-up" for work cause he is a logger. So he is home all the time now so I definately have things to do.
This last weekend was a BLAST for Terri, Denise, Clarissa and I. We went to Spokane and went shopping and stayed overnight at the Comfort Inn. It was alot of fun. We went to the Build-A-Bear Workshop in the Valley mall. It was so much fun. It was so cool to pick out your own animal and dress it. We even stuffed it ourselves by pushing the pedal. Mine was a bear and I dressed her in a Pink and black outfit along with a Hat! Her name is "Dottie" Here is a Picture of us all with our bears!
Then on the way home we saw a moose!! I love anything moose realated. This one is only my third one to see. The first two I was so mad at myself cause I usually take my camera with me EVERYWHERE. But didn't one day while going to potlatch. Well low and behold on the way home my dad and I saw 2 of them by the Mill that is near our house!! Here is a picture of our moose we saw coming home from Coeur D' Alene on Sunday!
Posted by Janie at 3:16 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
Reached a Small Goal!!
Thought I would update you all, As of today I have lost a total of........
Actually to be exact its 10.4! I feel better already..... except for the achy muscles that are being used!! hehehe.
Posted by Janie at 8:50 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Blah Day!...
Hello to all, I thought I would update everyone on my weightloss progress. Well I have lost a total of 6.8 pounds and its going pretty well actually. I lost that in the first week, and last week I gained 3 pounds, but was warned that I would because I had been sick and my body had to get back to normal. So I came home that night and wanted to quit and told my mom I wasn't going back, but I kept on it and went back last night and I had lost the 3 pounds.But today I have just felt icky (not sick icky, just icky!). And felt like going into a corner and hiding out and crying my eyes out. I feel like I will never find someone to love and to love me back. I know it's partly because of Valentines day coming up. But for me, its just an ordinary day. Just think of me as you all are out having dinner and things. I will be home veggin on the couch watching Survivor. I don't know why I feel like that but I just hope everyone has those kinds of days. Work is going pretty well, keeping me busy at the Post Office with working a little extra at the Scrapbook Store. I have been also transfering stuff (as in photos, and documents and etc,) to a external hard drive. I am thinking of getting another one, to have one for music and one for all my other stuff. Got my taxes and everyone else in my families done too. All sent off and just waiting for the money. hehehe I plan to get a shirt or two with mine, don't want to get too many new clothes cause I hope to lose more weight!! Alright, I better get going and decide what this family is having for dinner!!
Posted by Janie at 5:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
So Weight Watchers was last night. And the meeting was good but the best part for me was after being sick and having a rough week last week..... I lost 6.8 pounds!!!!!! I am actually kind of proud of myself! Alright, back to reality now and back to the daily grind!!!
Posted by Janie at 7:43 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hello! How is everyones week going? Mine... Well I won't say what I wanna say on here. But mine was Crappy! I have been sick since monday. Its started in my chest and is still lingering in my chest, and sinus's. I sound alot worse that I feel today but still don't have too much energy. Then on friday my brother called to say a friend of his and a guy well known in Potlatch died up working in the woods friday. So we have been dealing with that as well. Its kind of a tragic story. My brother will be an honorary pall barer. So you never know whats going to happen to those you love or yourself. So tell those you love and see that you love them and when you can spend an extra minute with them. Do it!
Tomorrow is Weight Watchers for Terri and I. So we shall see how bad of a week it really was. Being sick I ate really good for the W.W. but didn't get in the exercise I wanted as everytime I tried I would start coughing and gave up!! So say a prayer for me that at least I didn't gain!!! hehehe.
Thanks for reading and LOVE you all!
Posted by Janie at 2:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
My Week!

Posted by Janie at 7:15 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
As Of Today...
As of today, I began a diet and work out regimante! I am doing a version of Weight Watchers along with "The Biggest Loser" workout! So hopefully this will work and before I know it I will be a BRAND new me!..... HA - HA!!!
Posted by Janie at 12:43 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Still Snowing!

Posted by Janie at 11:08 AM 0 comments